So there us a good chance i will get to see a tornado today here in Paris tn. The weather started out at 75 and it's dropping down to 28 tonight and there are thunderstorms right now. So when you have that mix of weather it's just perfect for tornados. So if I kind of disappear then I have been taken away to the land of oz.
So as many know I have been doing the working nights and weekends thing for a while for our current release which was supposed to go out on the 8th but we missed the date. Well now my manager and the senior tech have left for vacation and both asked me to pick up their work load. In a way I am flattered because I know that they realize I can be
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So here is my report on the first day at PAX and I can sum it up in one work...superawsomeinsanegamefun! There are many panels that I have been to and many more I had to miss because of schedule conflict. Tons of game demos out on the show floor that I have been checking out although I still need to get into the duke nukem and the portal 2 demos.
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So I am really starting to think that I am not going to get up to the mountians this year for some skiing fun. This is mostly just because of bad timing and financial reasons. Still there is always next year and I try and save up a little money to ensure that it happens.
so waiting out here at gamestop for the midnight release of final fantasy 13. What the hell is wrong with me. It's not like I can stay up all night playing it. But still here I am sitting in my car waiting for hem to start handing it out. Well at least I am not alone. I see quite a few people in line. I am waiting in my car though where they are
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